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3 Reasons To Get a Chemical Peel This Fall

By Blaise Geyer PA-C

As Texas starts to finally cool down, it’s a perfect time to get more aggressive with your skin care and wipe away your summer damage. Here are 3 reasons to get a chemical peel this fall.

1. Exfoliation, Baby!

Sadly, starting at age 30, our collagen production starts to slow and decreases by 1% each year. This is what leads to wrinkle formation and thinner skin. In addition, our skin’s exfoliation process decreases, meaning dead skin cells stay on your face longer causing skin to look dull and dry. Chemical peels create an injury of a specific skin depth that stimulates collagen formation and releases the dead skin cells, bringing healthy new skin to the top. The result is smoother, more radiant skin!

2. Bye Bye Sun Spots, Wrinkles, Scars and Acne

Chemical peels are formulated with different active ingredients to target various skin concerns. The most common acids used in peels are:   

  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)– Water soluble ingredients that work best for mature and dry skin to boost collagen and reveal smoother, brighter and more hydrated skin. AHAs include glycolic, lactic, and citric acid.
  • Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA)– Oil soluble ingredients that penetrate pores and dissolve sebum. When you think of BHA, think salicylic acid. These peels work best for oily, acneic, and inflamed skin.
  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)– Medium-depth peels that penetrate deeper than AHA and BHA peels making them ideal for tackling scars and pigmentation issues. While TCA peels are fantastic, this deeper diving peel does require more downtime so be prepared to flake for about a week!

3. Choose Your Downtime

There are a variety of peel strengths to help you achieve your goals. Stronger peels, like TCA, will quickly yield more dramatic results by removing the outer layer of the skin and penetrating down to the dermis. Depending on the TCA concentration, peeling may continue for up to 7-14 days. In contrast, superficial peels can be offered as single treatments to rejuvenate the skin or as a series to yield significant results. Some even require zero downtime and just give your skin a beautiful glow.

Give your skin a boost this fall and schedule your consultation with Saving Face Laser Lounge. Let us make a treatment plan for you and get your skin glowing!

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